Nature Negatives


"These are difficult times because we are witnessing a clash of cataclysmic proportions between two great technologies."

-McLuhan, pp. 94

This project was originally going to involve photographing people, but when I actually went outside to do so I found myself drawn to plants, as I am in most outdoor situations. I notice very small details that many people do not, and I can be entertained by a square inch of soil in the woods for upwards of an hour. I decided to follow my impulse and photograph the textures and small, complex shapes I saw around me on the walks I took. As I was walking, however, I began to notice how many man-made structures and textures looked similar to the natural world I was observing. From there, I decided to try and critique how people have been substituting outdoor environments for indoor ones, and how they are very reluctant to notice that this is often detrimental and unhealthy. It terrifies me that the world is changing in this way. I wish I didn't sometimes feel myself changing too.

See Nature Negatives here.


  1. I like the color in your photos, especially those man-made ones!

  2. I like your arrangement of your photos! It creates strong contrast between the artificial and natural colors.


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